About Us

mission statement

To ensure our community becomes self sustainable within the arts.

Through the provision of music and performance based activities, we aim to ignite an interest in music and kindle that passion by making it accessible to all. This will be done by providing our community, particularly our schools, with new experiences to aid their development in a broad range of skills. Furthermore we aim to support local businesses, particularly venues such as pubs, bars, theatres and libraries, to ensure musicians have future performance spaces and the opportunity to generate an income from their craft within that community.


The idea for a music festival in Ossy is one likely bandied between the community for as long as anyone remembers.

One such discussion took place in The Heys pub sometime around 2020, pre covid or the idea that life might actually “close”.

The idea of hosting the festival, as a way to raise funds and support opportunities our community no longer can easily access, was popular immediately with volunteers, musicians, parents and local figures.

We care about our community venues and pubs too, and our plans to host individual gigs and events around the town helped more than one cause.

It felt right the right thing to do.

These discussions came before school closures and inflation, mortgages and the further damage to parents and schools ability to fund lessons for their children.

Our story started then but has only really just begun.